Typical Odors that Trigger Migraines

Typical Odors that Trigger Migraines

Migraines are so much more than just a headache as they disrupt daily life and have innumerous triggers. Symptoms include intense pain, flashing lights, sensitivity to light, dizziness, nausea, and so much more. Often, however, migraines can be prevented by avoiding the triggers that may cause them, including certain odors, whether good or bad.
Below you will find a list of five of the most common odors that trigger migraines so that you can know what to avoid:

1. Cigarette smoke
One of the most common unpleasant odors that trigger migraines is cigarette smoke. Even just being around someone who smokes at a distance may bring on those flashing lights that you know too well. The smell along with the nicotine can make your blood vessels smaller, including those in your brain. This can increase the tension in your brain, leading to the migraine that soon follows after the scent enters your nostrils.

2. Food odors
There are certain food odors that may trigger migraines as well. You could be visiting someone who is cooking dinner or walking down the street as you pass a restaurant, and all of a sudden, you may feel a migraine coming on. The scent of spicy foods, for instance, reacts with the pain receptors in your nervous system. This interaction may be all that it takes to cause the pain to begin when you do not want it.

3. Perfumes and fragrances
Perfumes are, in most cases, some of the most pleasant odors that may trigger your migraines. There are many theories as to why these start the pain, but many believe it is the chemical combination that is associated with the scent that will tart the aura. If you feel a migraine coming when you walk into the office and see one of your co-workers who wears too much perfume or when you are in a beauty aisle with perfume and feel one, this is probably the trigger.

4. Cleaning chemicals
Cleaning chemicals are necessary, but they often have strong smells and odors associated with them that may trigger migraines. The toxins will overwhelm the room that is being cleaned, leading to an almost suffocating atmosphere. There are also volatile compounds in many unnatural cleaning products. These are released into the environment when a cleaning chemical is used, triggering the pain of the migraine.

5. Candles or air fresheners
Candles and air fresheners are full of fragrances that are similar to those found in a perfume bottle. As soon as someone smells either a candle or air freshener, it is common for a migraine attack to begin. These may be due to the chemical compositions of the fragrances that are in these products that are released when sprayed or lit. As soon as these hit your brain, a pain receptor may be lit up.

There are many odors that lead to migraines. These are everyday odors that are everywhere, including those odors associated with food, cleaning odors, and items filled with fragrances common throughout people’s homes. To determine exactly what odor may be triggering your migraines, start keeping a log of your environment and when the migraine starts. You may just find a common link with one of the products that is listed above.