Types of Migraines and Effective Natural Remedies

Types of Migraines and Effective Natural Remedies

If you have been suffering from migraine attacks for a while, then you might have noticed that the symptoms are quite the same almost every time. Because of this reason, most people falsely assume that there is only one type of migraine. However, studies on migraines have proved this belief to be wrong. As of now, health specialists have found more than five types of migraines, which are quite common among individuals across the world.

Aside from medications, there are multiple natural remedies for migraines which work just as well to keep them under control. Here are some types of migraines that can be treated using natural remedies:

1. Aura or classical migraine
The symptoms of classical migraine generally occur with or after some types of sensory disturbances, which are known as aura. Visual aura is considered to be one of the most common types of disturbance or aura. Signs of this type of aura include blind spots, bright flashes of light, or some other vision changes. Some people with classical migraine also experience a strange tingling on their face or hands. However, most of the symptoms of this condition can easily be treated with some of the common natural remedies for migraines such as essential oils.

2. Common migraines
As the name suggests, this is considered to be the most common type of migraines. The signs of this condition usually include severe headache on one of the sides of the head, scalp tenderness, and blurred vision. Some people may also experience acute abdominal pain and vomiting.

3. Menstrual migraines
Quite common among women, menstrual migraines generally come with the same symptoms as common and classical migraine. Most doctors categorize this migraine into two types. These are:

  • Pure menstrual migraines: Usually occur during the days of the periods.
  • Menstrual-associated migraines: Generally start almost one week before the periods and may also happen during other times of the month.

However, the symptoms of both these types are known to be quite mild and can be successfully treated with natural remedies for migraines.

4. Hemiplegic migraine
Considered to be one of the most critical types of the condition, a hemiplegic migraine is usually caused by a genetic mutation. The symptoms of this condition, such as weakness on a particular side of the body, generally mimic those of a stroke. However, these symptoms usually disappear within 24 to 36 hours.

5. Retinal or ocular migraines
According to medical experts, an ocular migraine occurs because of some unusual electrical activities inside your brain. The most common symptom of this type of migraine is a temporary loss of vision, which generally occurs in one eye. Some other symptoms of retinal migraines include headache and scalp tenderness, which are quite mild and can be treated with natural remedies for migraines.

If you think that you are suffering from any of these conditions, it is advisable to consult with your doctor as soon as possible to diagnose the underlying cause.