Types and Causes of Atrial Fibrillation

Types and Causes of Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is a type of arrhythmia known to be responsible for an irregular heartbeat. This heart disorder is quite common, but left untreated it can lead to numerous life-threatening situations such as heart failure, a stroke, or some other fatal complications of the heart. Because of this, most heart specialists ask their patients to start the course of treatment for atrial fibrillation as soon as possible.

During the period of AFib, the upper chambers of the heart start beating quite rapidly and chaotically.

Because of this, the symptoms of the heart condition generally include heart palpitations as well as shortness of breath. These symptoms usually occur when you are doing some hard work or carrying something heavy. Heart specialists generally categorize the types of atrial fibrillation into four different parts by keeping both the underlying conditions and the period of the AFib in mind. The course of treatment for atrial fibrillation generally depends on the type of AFib. Knowing about the types of heart conditions becomes very important:

1. Occasional atrial fibrillation
As the name suggests, the symptoms of this type of AFib are known to be quite irregular. The signs of an occasional AFib generally last for a few minutes to one or two hours. Some patients may also experience the symptoms for three to seven days. However, the symptoms of an occasional AFib do not last more than a week and generally go away on its own.

2. Persistent atrial fibrillation
Unlike occasional AFib, if you are suffering from this type of AFib, then the rhythm of your heartbeat will not go back to the usual without any treatment for atrial fibrillation. You will require medications or cardioversion to restore the normal rhythm of your heart.

3. Long-standing atrial fibrillation
The symptoms of this type of AFib generally are known to be continuous and last more than 12 months. Most doctors usually ask patients to go through a surgical procedure to cure this condition.

4. Permanent atrial fibrillation
This type of AFib is incurable and the symptoms will last till the last day of the life of the patient. So, if you are suffering from this condition, then you would have to control the symptoms by taking medications and following a strict diet.

5. Afib causes
Like any other heart complication, AFib is also caused by some common lifestyle issues. Thus, to prevent this disorder from affecting you, you would not only have to start a course of treatment for atrial fibrillation but will also have to lead a healthy life. Some of these causes and risk factors are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart defects
  • Sleep apnea
  • Heart valve abnormality
  • Regular smoking or drinking
  • Being overweight or obese

Other than these risk factors, AFib can also be caused by some other more serious issues such as heart attack, coronary heart disease or heart surgery. Thus, try to change your lifestyle as soon as possible to prevent any kind of health and heart issue, including AFib.