Toxic Foods for Pets

Toxic Foods for Pets

We know how tempting it can be—sitting at the table, whether at home or at a pet friendly oceanfront rental or pet friendly resorts, enjoying a scrumptious meal and your cute puppy or Kitty is sitting there giving you the most adorable stare ever. You know exactly what they want, and that’s your food. However, certain human foods are not only dangerous for pets, leading to pet obesity, the development in allergies, and vomiting. Certain human foods are downright toxic for pets, leading to pet toxicity, kidney failure, seizures, and even death.

Investing in pet insurance is a proactive step towards managing unexpected veterinary bills, ensuring that your pet receives the best care without financial strain. Additionally, an electric dog fence can play a crucial role in pet health by preventing pets from wandering into dangerous areas, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Together, these tools help pet owners safeguard their furry friends’ well-being.

Here are the most toxic human foods for cats and dogs:

1. Onions and garlic
Foods like onions and garlic are too acidic for the intestines and digestive system of cats or dogs. Feeding them foods garnished with acidic toppings such as garlic, scallions, or onions can severely give the pet stomach pains and potentially burn layers of their stomach. You want to make sure to keep your pets on more base, and less acidic, diets.

2. Raw eggs
Many pet owners believe it is healthy for their coats and a viable source of protein, but according to research, it is not a good idea to give your pet raw eggs. The majority of animals operate best when they are fed solid foods. Runny foods like raw eggs is a good way to increase the likelihood of an accident occurring where it shouldn’t.

3. Raw meats and bones
For the same reason why humans shouldn’t consume raw meat, it is not wise to feed your pet raw meats and or raw bones. Such foods can carry bacteria and salmonella that can, in turn, lead to stomach viruses and other illnesses.

4. Chocolate
I’m quite sure you know, but you should never feed any animal chocolate. Chocolate is made from the coca leaf, which has many chemicals that are primarily only digestible by the human digestive system, but fatal for dogs and cats.

5. Caffeine
Animals will not experience the lack of B vitamins. Therefore, there is no need to ever give your dog or cat a caffeine boost. I don’t know about you, but my pets wake up wired.

6. Grapes and raisins
For the most part, most animals cannot chew nor digest grapes or raisins. Grapes and raisins are harmful to the internal digestive system of many animals. Research has revealed that feeding grapes and raisins to your pet can increase stomach issues. Our advice is to never give your pet anything other than veterinarian approved pet food.

The best thing you can do when it comes to feeding your pet, is to feed them specific healthy food formulated for pets. This will help you save money and avoid emergency medical bills, even if you happen to have pet insurance.