Top Treatments for Cervical Cancer

Top Treatments for Cervical Cancer

The treatments for cervical cancer depends on the severity, the stage, the overall health conditions and also the personal preference of the patients. Cervical cancer patients show the signs and symptoms associated with this disease, often only at an advanced stage. Doctors carry out various additional medical tests for staging and also to properly diagnose the development of this disease. Once this type of cancer is diagnosed, doctors can work with their patients to decide the best course of treatment for them.

The following treatment methods are generally applied for patients suffering from ovarian cancer:

1. Surgery
The early stage of this form of cancer is generally treated with the help of surgeries. The various available surgical treatments for cervical cancer patients are:

  • Surgery to remove cancer: If the size of the cancer is small, it can be removed by a cone biopsy. In this method, a piece of cervical tissue in the shape of a cone is removed, leaving the remaining cervix intact. This type of surgery allows women to consider pregnancy in the future.
  • Hysterectomy: In this method, cervix, uterus, a part of the vagina and the surrounding lymph nodes are removed. It can be cured in the early stages of cancer and prevent the recurrence of the disease.
  • Trachelectomy: In this method, the cervix and some of the surrounding tissue are removed. This method is used for treating the early stages of cancer.

2. Radiation
In this form of therapy, high-power energy beams are used to destroy the cancer cells. This form of therapy is often administered along with chemotherapy as a form of primary treatment for cervical cancer that has advanced locally. This type of therapy can also be applied after the surgery if there is a chance for the recurrence of this disease. This type of therapy can be provided in the following ways:

  • Brachytherapy: This form of radiation is given internally, wherein a device with radioactive material is placed inside the vagina for a few minutes.
  • External beam radiation: By directing a radiation beam externally to the cancer-affected region of the body.

3. Chemotherapy
In this form of treatment, medications are provided to kill the cancer cells. The medication can be either in the form of pills or injected in the veins. If required, sometimes, both forms of medication are used. While low doses of chemotherapy are given alongside radiation to improve the effectiveness of the latter, higher doses are given to manage the symptoms associated with the advanced stages of this type of cancer.

4. Immunotherapy
Sometimes, a certain chemical produced by cancer cells makes them undetectable by the immune system. As a result, the immune system of the body does not fight them. This form of therapy among the treatments for cervical cancer is used to help the immune system detect the presence of cancer cells and fight them.

5. Targeted therapy
This form of treatment focuses on the particular weaknesses of the cancer cells. By blocking these weaknesses, this type of treatments causes the death of cancer cells. It is generally used with chemotherapy and applied to patients suffering from an advanced form of this disease. It is important for patients to discuss their concerns with the doctors, so that a form of treatment that is best suited for the patients can be worked out.