Top 10 Toxic Houseplants for Cats

Top 10 Toxic Houseplants for Cats

Cats have a tendency to chew on all kinds of plants. Since they enjoy climbing trees and exploring shrubs and bushes, it cannot always be possible to keep them away from plants. If you have plants in your home or have a whole yard in which you let your cat roam, it is better to be aware of the various species of houseplants that are toxic for cats. Once you find out the list of toxic houseplants for cats, make sure that none of them are present in your house or backyard.

Enlisted below are the 10 most toxic houseplants for cats that could be found in one’s environment.

1. Tiger lilies
Tiger lilies top the list of the most toxic houseplants for cats. The entire plant is toxic to most species of cats and pets in general, and its consumption can lead to renal failure. Vomiting, drowsiness, loss of appetite, and thirst are the commonly observed symptoms when a cat consumes any part of this plant. In extreme cases, the toxicity can even lead to total kidney failure within 2-3 days after consumption if the cat is left untreated.

2. Raw plants of the potato family
Solanaceae, commonly known as nightshade, are potentially toxic plants for cats. They contain a toxic component known as Glycoalkaloid Solanine, which is located in the stems and leaves. Commonly occurring plants of this category include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and chili peppers. If you grow any of these in your garden, either get rid of them or prevent your cat from going outdoors.

3. Poison ivy
Poison ivy is a rash-causing type of toxic plant for cats. Boston ivy, Glacial ivy, heart ivy, and English ivy are other types of ivy that can harm your cat.

4. Mistletoe
Berries are the most harmful part of the mistletoe for cats. Consumption of these in large amounts can cause severe gastrointestinal problems in cats

5. Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum is a commonly occurring houseplant that’s toxic to cats. Any physical contact of a cat with this plant can be enough to trigger an allergic reaction involving inflammation and irritation of the skin.

6. Figs
The weeping and creeping fig are types of fig that are the most tempting for cats. They can be harmful if consumed in large quantities at once.

7. Azalea
Azalea is frequently used as a landscape plant. Ingesting the leaves or floral parts of this plant may induce vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, diarrhea, respiratory problems, or kidney issues in cats.

8. Juniper shrubs
Excessive consumption of juniper shrubs can cause abdominal pain and renal issues in cats.

9. Daffodils and bulbs
Bulbs and daffodils are included under the list of toxic houseplants for cats. They might lead to diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, to the point that the cat’s life gets endangered. So, make sure that your cat doesn’t go near any tulips or bulb plants.

10. Onion and garlic plants
These plants contain a compound named N-propyl disulfide. So, the consumption of such plants may cause a disease called Heinz body anemia in cats. Garlic too is toxic for a lot of pets, including cats.

Other plants that are toxic for cats include kalanchoe, autumn crocus, dieffenbachia, sago palm, oleander, cyclamen, aloe vera, asparagus fern, cladium, elephant ears, English holly, and the umbrella plant.