The Worst Cities to live in for Migraine Patients

The Worst Cities to live in for Migraine Patients

Migraines are a severe form of headache that usually causes localized chronic pain in one or both sides of the head. The symptoms of migraines can often be so severe that they cause feelings of nausea, light sensitivity and even cause vomiting. A migraine attack may last just a few hours but can sometimes last for days impacting the daily lives of sufferers. There are many factors that can trigger migraines and these can be related to where you live.

Here are the worst cities to live in for migraine sufferers:

1. Cincinnati, Ohio
Considered as one of the worst hot spots for migraines in the US, Cincinnati a survey showed that migraine related medications were sold heavily in this city. Migraine sufferers can be triggered by sudden changes in weather conditions and Cincinnati is prone to such fluctuations. Bright sunshine can cause optical sensitivity which in turn can trigger a migraine attack. Electric storms can also create low pressure conditions which can trigger migraine attacks. Migraines can be triggered by air pollutants such as CO2 and Cincinnati usually has fair air conditions which means some very sensitive groups may be triggered.

2. Madison, Wisconsin
Madison, like the rest of Wisconsin, is known for harsh winter conditions. This brings a few potential hazards for migraine sufferers. Bright sunlight reflected off of white snow can be an optical trigger for some people. The use of heating in the cold winter months may expose people to fumes from heaters that could trigger migraines. The large difference between winter and summer temperatures means that weather conditions can change quickly causing large barometric pressure changes. This can also cause migraine attacks.

3. Little Rock, Arkansas
The air conditions in Little Rock, Arkansas, like many large cities, tend to be only fair at best. Even in fair conditions the air pollutants may trigger sensitive migraine sufferers into an attack. Dry, hot summers such as Little Rock is prone to can also be a trigger for headaches due to dusty conditions. The high temperatures and long periods of bright sunlight can irritate the condition causing flare ups. A number of local industrial plants can make certain areas of the city more inhospitable to migraine sufferers due to fumes.

4. Knoxville, Tennessee
Steady year-round rainfall means that Knoxville does not get excessive sunlight which is good for migraine sufferers. It does, however, suffer from large swings in barometric pressure due to regular storms which can cause attacks. Warm, humid summer conditions can create issues for migraine sufferers. The city is listed as the 25th worst in terms of air pollution which can be very detrimental to migraine sufferers.

5. St. Louis, Missouri
Ranked 26th in the country in terms of air pollution, numerous industrial plants make St. Louis tough on migraine sufferers. The traffic based pollutants were within acceptable levels but industry emissions make the city’s air quality less than optimum. The summers in St. Louis can be hot and humid meaning frequent lightning storms occur. This can cause migraine attacks in some sufferers.