The Worst Cities to live in for Asthma Patients

The Worst Cities to live in for Asthma Patients

Asthma sufferers have learned that there are some places to avoid in order to ensure that the symptoms of asthma (i.e., shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, and tightness in the chest) do not plague them. Unfortunately, due to some environmental concerns there are some major U.S. cities that should be avoided due to heavy haziness, local pollution, and even large factory manufacturing within city limits.

With that in mind, here are some cities well worth avoiding if you suffer from asthma:

1. Springfield, MA
While it may sound like a decent place, and actually is rather attractive, ironically in Springfield that attractiveness is the problem, specifically the sheer amount of plants in the area. Those plants put a lot of pollen in the area, making it a horrible place for both allergy and asthma sufferers; this is also why there are so many sufferers in the area. Watching the pollen counts is mandatory, as is wearing a mask.

2. Dayton, OH
Situated right in the center of the Ohio Valley, Dayton represents a number of problems. The baic problem is that the winds carry all of the local pollen and pollution right through the town, creating a number of potential issues. The best thing to do here is to make sure that the home is properly filtered, that basic precautions are taken, and to avoid staying outside as long as possible.

3. Cleveland, OH
Sharing a lot of problems with Dayton, Cleveland is also well-known for its manufacturing; this throws a lot of pollutants into the local environment. All told, keeping safe means making sure that the house is properly filtered, that the mask is properly fitted, and that keep a very close eye on pollen and pollution counts.

4. Greensboro, NC
While there are a number of great reasons to live in Greensboro, the air is not one of them. The air is thick with pollen, especially during the spring and summer, and nearby farming and manufacturing throws a lot of pollution into the air. Also, thanks to the high humidity mold is also an issue, making building inspections before buying and every six months a necessary part of life.

5. Philadelphia, PA
While it is a great city on a number of levels, the sheer amount of local flora, especially trees makes Philadelphia a bad place for asthma, as well as the sheer amount of farming and manufacturing creating pollution. Adding to the problem is that Philadelphia is a center of commerce, ensuring that there is a lot of haziness in the area. A good mask and staying inside as much as possible are highly recommended.

Obviously, these are not the best places to be for asthma sufferers. If you are faced to stay in these areas, or worse yet live there, then keep in mind to have your breather easily available, and wear a mask of some sort whenever possible in order to keep from breathing pollution particles in the air. Try to stay indoors whenever possible, and pay special attention to pollution measurements. Lastly, try to not over-exert yourself. Doing so should keep you from suffering a major attack and keep you healthy. Keep this in mind, and you should be able to survive living in those areas.