Signs and Symptoms Related to Amyloidosis

Signs and Symptoms Related to Amyloidosis

Amyloidosis is a rare health disorder that is caused when amyloids, a type of protein, are deposited in tissues and other organs. There are different types of amyloidosis that affect different organs. As a result, the symptoms of this health condition depend mostly on the affected organs. Along with these symptoms, various medical tests, such as biopsy and imaging tests are carried out to officially diagnose the presence of amyloidosis, its types, and the organs it has affected.

The various signs and symptoms related to different organs are as follows:

1. Kidneys
When the kidneys are affected by amyloidosis, their effectiveness to break proteins and filter waste is reduced. Various blood tests can further help measure the function of kidneys. Patients whose kidneys have been affected might experience symptoms such as reduced urine output, foamy appearance of urine, and a rise in the creatinine level.

2. Heart
When amyloidosis affects the heart, symptoms such as irregular heartbeat, chest pain, poor heart function, an enlarged heart, fluid build-up, and shortness of breath may occur.

3. Thyroid gland
Amyloidosis of the thyroid gland can lead to the development of goiter, a health condition characterized by a non-cancerous swelling in the thyroid gland.

4. Liver
This disorder, when affecting the liver, can grow larger. This could lead to pain in the upper abdomen. Additionally, various medical tests might reveal changes in liver enzymes. Patients can also experience swelling in their abdomen.

5. Lungs
When lungs are affected by this health complication, various breathing problems, including shortness of breath might also occur.

6. Nervous system
Various issues relating to peripheral nerves might develop as a result of amyloidosis that affects the nervous system. Some of the common symptoms in these patients are weakness, numbness, and a tingling sensation in the arms and legs. They also may experience vomiting, sweating, constipation, diarrhea, or sexual problems. A health condition such as carpal tunnel syndrome might also develop.

7. Gastrointestinal tract
When this disease affects the gastrointestinal tract, it leads to issues concerning digestion and the absorption of nutrients from food. Besides diarrhea, constipation, and macroglossia, a health condition involving a thickened tongue, may also develop. Additionally, patients might also experience a development of various issues related to the esophagus, like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

8. Other general symptoms
Apart from the occurrence of symptoms associated with various affected organs, the following symptoms have also been noticed in patients suffering from different types of amyloidosis:

  • Weight gain

The affected person might put on weight without any apparent reason.

  • Anemia

The red blood cells count might reduce.

  • Fatigue

People may feel exhausted and experience difficulty carrying out smaller tasks, such as walking.

  • Infections

Patients suffering from AL amyloidosis are more likely to catch an infection. This type of disease causes issues in the plasma cells that are involved in the production of antibodies required to fight infections. A disorder in plasma cells may reduce their effectiveness to build resistance against infections. This causes the affected person to become vulnerable to bacteria.