Safety and Storage Tips for Refrigerating Food

Safety and Storage Tips for Refrigerating Food

There are proper ways to store food in refrigerators to avoid such bacteria illnesses, like salmonella or e.Coli. Not only does practicing adequate storage of food helps prevent any illnesses, but it will also help with the cost of food. Properly stored food in a refrigerator stays fresher and lasts longer if a few extra steps are taken to keep food maintained while waiting to be used. Many tips can be followed to maintain a clean refrigerator while also taking normal precautions with the food:

1. Start with a clean refrigerator
It’s essential to always have a clean area when putting food into a fridge. That means keeping all surface areas clean, such as shelves and bins wiped out before and while storing food. It’s always wise to wipe down areas regularly, due to sometimes a spill or leak can occur from a container.

2. Store food properly
There are many ways to store food in the refrigerator. Some items come in original containers, and some things such as fruits and vegetables are fine stored in a plastic bag. Other foods may need to be secured in things, such as freezer bags or plastic containers that come with lids. No matter how food is stored, the one concern is to make sure that it’s sealed properly and can’t spill out any of the contents within the refrigerator.

3. Be careful when handling food
Ways to avoid getting salmonella or e.Coli is always to make sure anything expired is thrown away. Also, it is especially crucial if raw meat is placed in the refrigerator, the meat is sealed tight and no chance of leakage. It doesn’t take much for these food bacteria illnesses to spread from surface areas to food that will be consumed.

4. Keeping food stored at the right temperatures
Most refrigerators have a digital thermometer and keep accurate temperatures in the refrigerator and freezer compartments, so not much needs to be done to regulate the machine itself. There may be times when refrigerator or freezer odors can occur due to food spoiling, or if for some reason, there has been a loss of electricity for an extended time, which can offset the temperature controls within the compartments.

Some simple tips to remember to avoid health issues and to make sure food stays fresh is always to keep your storage compartments clean and follow food safety procedures while keeping any items in refrigerators.