Practices and Lifestyle Tips for Fibromyalgia

Practices and Lifestyle Tips for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a common disorder that causes pain and fatigue in specific muscles in the body. The affected parts can include the neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms, and legs. While there is no permanent cure for the condition, certain changes in one’s lifestyle and natural remedies could help improve the symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a challenging condition to treat because its symptoms tend to mimic those of other diseases and there is no tried and true test to confirm a diagnosis. As a result, it is often misdiagnosed which can leave patients frustrated.

To find relief from the constant pain of fibromyalgia, consider adopting the following lifestyle tips:

1. Sleep
People suffering from fibromyalgia need to get sufficient sleep. Sleeping well reduces stress and pain caused by this condition. It also reduces the symptoms of fibromyalgia. A tips to help you find restful sleep include:

  • Minimize day naps
  • Sleep in a cool and silent room
  • Avoid using electronic devices before sleeping
  • Set alarms for when you should wake up, as oversleeping is not ideal
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine before bedtime

2. Exercise
Exercising is not easy, but starting with low-intensity exercises can reduce fatigue. Additionally, it increases muscle strength while decreasing pain and discomfort. An exercise regime can be a mix of aerobics, swimming, and cycling. Altogether, this combination helps improve one’s health condition to fight back fatigue and stiffness.

If exercising is not ideal, one can consider walking daily, too. In fact, many neurologists say that a two-week exercise program reverses the unusual type of brain activity for those currently suffering from fibromyalgia.

3. Rest
Rest is one of the biggest lifestyle tips for fibromyalgia people should follow. Take plenty of rest after exercising. Avoid exercising for too long, as this could induce pain and fatigue. So, find a perfect balance between the two. Pushing oneself too hard can be risky and may trigger more pain.

4. Acupuncture
Acupuncture helps in reducing pain and stiffness, which is why it’s one of the best lifestyle tips for those suffering from fibromyalgia. Acupuncture, an old Chinese art of medication, is practiced by professionals who insert needles at certain points to trigger acupressure points.

The needles help changing the blood flow and chemical levels in the body. This decreases pain and discomfort of fibromyalgia. Researches have proved that acupuncture is helpful to eliminate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. However, its effects can be limited, so a treatment advised by doctors should always be considered first.

5. Massage
Massages are a popular solution for sore muscles. It is a process where the body is gently pressed to increase the range of motion and reduce stress and pain. It also promotes relaxation. Studies show that five weeks of regular massage is quite effective to help deal with depression and anxiety as well.

6. Yoga and Tai Chi
These disciplines are based on controlled movements with meditation and deep breathing. People suffering from fibromyalgia can use this method to see organic and long-lasting results.

Although medicines cannot cure this condition, it can prevent the symptoms. Medication along with some lifestyle changes can help improve one’s condition effectively. Adopting these lifestyle tips can help prevent other disorders, too.