Natural Remedies to Relieve Dry Eyes

Natural Remedies to Relieve Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common eye condition that occurs when the tear glands cannot produce enough tears to keep your eye surface clear and smooth, causing certain problems in your eyes. With the advancement of technology and digitalization, we spend most of our time watching our smartphone, laptop, or television screen. This affects our eyes and decreases the amount of moisture produced by glands. Some of these natural treatments for dry eyes can help you treat the problem at home without spending money on medication:

1. Increase your consumption of fatty acids
A study found that eating more omega-3 fatty acids may relieve you from the distress caused by dry eyes. It helps soothe dry eyes by reducing eye inflammation and increasing tear production. You can consume omega-3 supplements or eat more foods rich in this nutrient, such as ground flaxseed, palm oil, soybean oil, chia seeds, walnuts, eggs and fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel.

2. Warm compresses
One of the most common natural treatments for dry eyes is applying warm compresses on the eyes. Wet a clean piece of cloth with warm water, squeeze out excess water and place it over your eye for at least a minute. Gently press the edge of your eyelid with your finger. The moist heat helps loosen up the clogged oils in the tear glands. This improves the quality of tears. Wet the cloth often, to keep it warm. Apply warm compresses every day to help lower inflammation to make your eyes feel better.

3. Keep yourself hydrated
Every part of your body including eyes needs water to stay healthy. Dry eye is a condition when the eye is unable to produce tears properly or produce tears of suitable consistency. Drinking water helps keep the eyes moist. This is the most natural treatment for dry eyes. Aim for 8 to 10 glasses throughout the day. If it is difficult for you to consume a lot of plain water, go for any other liquid that does not have alcohol or caffeine. Water-rich foods like cucumbers and watermelon also help you stay hydrated.

4. Modify your environment
Dry eyes can be caused by various environmental factors. Avoid cigarette smoke and stay indoors when it is windy to keep the dry eyes from getting worse. Wind, fans, and hair dryers can make eyes dry. Sunglasses may also help to protect the eyes from the wind when outside. Use suitable eyewear to safeguard your eyes from the wind while participating in activities such as riding a bike or motorcycle, skiing, or riding in a convertible. It could also help to get a humidifier for your house to add moisture to the air, consequently providing natural treatment for dry eyes.

There are several natural treatments for dry eyes and lifestyle changes that can reduce the symptoms of dry eye and prevent the condition. Try the above-given home remedies to soothe dry eyes.