How to Follow the Paleo Diet

How to Follow the Paleo Diet

More than a thousand years ago, before the discovery of agriculture, people used to live in caves and eat anything they had access to in their surroundings. Science explains hunter-gatherers or caveman were dependent on nature for their food and clothing. They relied on nature for almost everything. The Paleo diet, or the Caveman diet, was inspired by our ancestors, as they lived and ate in this hunter gatherer style:

1. Eat like a cave dweller
The main aim of the paleo diet is to lose weight so that you can have a healthy life. The human body, although evolved, has not gotten used to the consumption of processed foods. As a result, we often fall ill. However, switching to a diet that consists of organic fruits, vegetables, and meats can help us effectively. It would provide relief to the digestive organs to function properly.

2. Carefully choose what you eat
Today, when you go to purchase food, you tend to buy products that claim to be fat-free and less in calories. But that may not always be true. Instead of buying produce and meat from wholesale markets, choose to buy your food from the farmers’ markets, as the produce sold is fresh and organic. This reduces many risk factors associated with food and adheres to the paleo diet as well. It is also advised to eat easily available foods. Choose to eat foods like chicken and vegetables that cook easily. This makes the diet easier to follow.

3. Only eat organically grown food
Whatever our ancestors ate is defined as real, wholesome food. Today, however, we do not have access to these foods. The paleo diet talks about eating raw and fresh foods, just as nature offers them instead of processed foods sold in attractive packages in supermarkets. These foods are full of preservatives and trans fats that worsen your digestive system.

4. Switch to healthy sprouts
Grains like wheat, oats, and rice were never a part of the paleo diet. When grains are soaked, they tend to digest faster. But when raw, it blocks the digestive tract. Nevertheless, grains contain many toxic substances until soaked, making it safe for human consumption. Sprouts, however, are healthy and full of fiber.

5. Physical activity keeps you fit
People from the Stone Age were hunters. They moved from places and often engaged in vigorous activities, which kept them fit and free of diseases. Keeping your body fit through exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight. You can start running, swimming, or join a gym to stay fit and maintain proper body weight. Additionally, you can also take multivitamins as a food supplement and include lots of water in your diet.

Following this diet can bring many changes in your health. If followed diligently, this diet can show results within the first three months.