How to Effectively Quit Smoking

How to Effectively Quit Smoking

Smoking may start out as a habit, but it almost always turns into an addiction. As with any addiction, quitting can be difficult if you don’t know the right steps to take, but it’s always worth it. When it comes to smoking, the CDC reports that cigarettes can cause harm to nearly every organ in your body, and not just the lungs. Even if smoking doesn’t kill you, you could end up as one of the 16 million Americans who have a smoking-related illness. 

Smoking cessation doesn’t have to be impossible, and below are some ways you can effectively quit smoking:

1. Nicotine gum
This aid shouldn’t be used by itself, but it can be an effective way to stop the cravings your brain has for nicotine from cigarettes. Using nicotine chewing gum in conjunction with a quit smoking program is the most effective method. Withdrawal symptoms are sometimes a major concern, which is exactly what nicotine gum helps with. You may be able to taste the nicotine while chewing gum, but this method can help you quit smoking for good.

2. Nicotine patch
Some people who smoke get addicted to the oral activity that goes along with cigarettes. That is when gum is a useful aid. However, if that is not the case then nicotine patches are a good way to wean yourself off of cigarettes discreetly. You will eventually feel yourself needing the patches less and less, until you are fully non dependent on nicotine.

3. Nicotine lozenges
Whenever you get the craving for a cigarette you can easily pop a nicotine lozenge into your mouth to slowly absorb nicotine. This is similar to gum in the sense that it gives your mouth some activity while releasing nicotine into your system to ease withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine lozenges typically have a pleasant mint flavor to make them appealing for a wide range of people.

4. Nicotine inhaler
This is one of many smoking cessation aids that quickly reduces your urge to smoke. Your doctor can help you through the process to quit by recommending how many cartridges you need and how soon you should wean yourself off of them. Inhalers are the product on this list that is the most similar to smoking actual cigarettes, which makes them an ideal choice for some.

5. Zyban
Zyban is a brand of bupropion hydrochloride Wellbutrin SR, and it can be used to reduce cravings for cigarettes and ease withdrawal symptoms. Bupropion does not contain nicotine so Zyban does not work the same way as other smoking cessation products. To use Zyban to quit smoking you first take the medication for a few weeks to build it up in your body. Then you continue taking it after you quit for up to a year.