Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion in Newborns

Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion in Newborns

Nasal congestion is one of the most common problems not only in adults but in newborns as well. This happens when mucus secretions build up in the nose as well as the airways. It is one of the most essential ways through which your body stops allowing harmful germs inside it, be it any kind of virus, bacteria, or allergens. The problem is when nasal congestion leads to a stuffy nose, a problem in feeding, etc.

Nasal congestion is quite common among newborns, and it can be cured by using the right medication after consulting a pediatrician. Using home remedies for nasal congestion can help in improving the condition, as most are harmless, effective, and affordable (just check with a doctor first). Listed below are some of the effective home remedies to treat stuffy nose in newborns:

1. Use saline solution
A saline water solution helps in the thinning of the mucus that is present in your newborn’s nose and is extremely safe to use on adults as well as babies. Saltwater solution is effective for kids who are below the age of six months, and it is best to use it before feeding as it helps the baby to properly breathe while eating. A lot of medicated saline solutions are available in the market, but making one at your home is the best as it is affordable and doesn’t cause any kind of side effect. Saline solution is considered as one of the best and most effective home remedies for nasal congestion in babies.

2. Love pats help
Giving love pats on the baby’s back is also one of the best and most popular natural remedies for treating the problem of stuffy nose. All you have to do is gently lay the baby on its stomach and pat gently on its back by using cupped hands. This is considered as one of the effective home remedies for nasal congestion, as it loosens and thins the mucus, enabling the baby to cough it out.

3. Use vaporizers
Vaporizers help to treat the problem of stuffy nose in babies as they increase the amount of moisture content inside the room. Simply putting a refreshing mist vaporizer in your baby’s room will help in loosening the mucus present inside its nostrils and chest. This is also one of the most common home remedies for nasal congestion, through which you can easily avoid the problem of stuffy nose in newborns.

4. Keep your baby hydrated
Hydration is necessary at all times, as dehydration can lead to a lot of problems if your baby is suffering from cold and flu. Try to avoid chilled drinks and just opt for plain water. You can even opt for warm milk, as it will ease the problem of sore throat too, along with the stuffy nose. These are some of the most effective and popular home remedies that are extremely useful in treating the problem of nasal congestion in newborns.