Home Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis

Home Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis

Home remedies contain natural elements that are easily available at home. They are not expensive like many surgeries and drug treatments prescribed by doctors, and in many cases they can complement doctor-prescribed therapies to treat atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions. In addition, a vast number of home remedies do not come with any side effects. Some effective home remedies for treating atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory skin ailments are are given below:

1. Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera gel is derived from the aloe vera plant and is known to have great antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. These properties can prevent skin infections that are quite common among people who have cracked or injury-prone skins. The gel can also be used to moisturize dry and chapped skin. It is useful for curing inflammation of the skin and can help to reduce swelling too. The wound-healing property of aloe vera helps to soothe broken skin.

2. Colloidal oatmeal
Colloidal oatmeal has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It can cure scaling, roughness, skin dryness, and itchiness. Colloidal oatmeal is very effective in fighting the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is very useful for curing skin disorders. Diluted ACV can help balance the acid levels of the skin. It also contains properties that can fight bacteria, keeping infections away from broken and sensitive skin.

4. Honey
Honey, one of the most well-known home remedies for atopic dermatitis, is useful for healing wounds. Due to its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can heal the skin quite quickly. It can also boost the overall health of the immune system, which helps the body fight infections. Because of these reasons, honey is considered to be very effective in curing the signs of atopic dermatitis.

5. Tea tree or melaleuca oil
Melaleuca oil is also known to be very useful in fighting atopic dermatitis in people. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory features, along with the wound-healing properties of the essential oil, can help relieve the skin from itchiness and dryness. It also helps to fight skin infections that are common in dry and chapped skin.

6. Gentle detergents and soaps
The high alkalinity level in the soaps and detergents makes them harsh for the skin. Thus, using a gentle, fragrance-free, no-lather cleanser can help if you are suffering from atopic dermatitis. You may opt for some mild exfoliating agents to avoid the symptoms of the disease. However, if you are thinking of fighting the disease effectively, then opting for home remedies will be a great idea.

7. Dietary changes
Making changes to your diet can also help reduce the flares of atopic dermatitis. Anti-inflammatory food and spices like fish, vegetables, colorful fruits, turmeric, cinnamon, beans, and lentils are known to provide the best results.

So, these are some of the best home remedies that can help cure atopic dermatitis successfully. However, if you have ever suffered from any kind of skin disease before, then consulting with your doctor before opting for any of these remedies can be a great idea.