Foods to Manage Hepatitis

Foods to Manage Hepatitis

Hepatitis A is a short-term, acute disease, and signs can include dark urine to sudden, unexplained weight loss. However, hepatitis B, C, and D are nearly always going to need ongoing and continuous treatment, as these infections are more severe in nature. Hepatitis E is acute and insignificant in most cases, but can be especially dangerous should a pregnant woman catch this infection. Alcoholic hepatitis can be caused by consuming alcohol above what your body can tolerate.

In turn, tends to damage the liver and lead to inflammation in the body. In some extreme cases, the immune system in the body accidentally perceives the liver as a harmful foreign body and takes action to get rid of it. This attack can increase inflammation and hinder the functioning of the liver, although in both of these instances, the inflammation damage can range from mild to severe. Certain foods, when dealing with hepatitis, can and should be avoided. These foods include:

1. Sugar and carbohydrates
Bakery goods such as donuts can agitate the liver.

2. Energy drinks
Energy drinks should be avoided like the plague when dealing with Hepatitis C.

3. Saturated fats
Fried foods and bacon should be removed from your diet in the event that you have some form of hepatitis.

4. Sodium
Processed food, frozen food, and snack foods with empty calories should be avoided as well. Still, there are some foods that are very healthy for you in the event that you are dealing with hepatitis B virus HBV, or any other type or form of hepatitis. These foods include:

5. Vegetables
Eating many vegetables of wide range of colors can help you to get better from hepatitis. These vegetables can include cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans, and eggplant. Eating as many vegetables every day will naturally improve your condition.

6. Whole grains
Consuming whole grains in moderation adds to your daily intake of fiber. This will naturally help if you are currently suffering from acute hepatitis.

7. Nuts, fish, and poultry.
Don’t go nuts just yet. Nuts, fish, poultry, egg whites, and beans all naturally work together to combat hepatitis, as these are necessary fats to make sure you get all of the nutrients that your body needs.

8. Canola oil.
Speaking of healthy fats, oils such as canola oil and olive oil, if used when cooking, can naturally improve your health without too much hassle.

9. Don’t overdo it
While fats such as beans and nuts and canola oil can certainly be healthy, consuming too many of these items can detract from your overall health, rather than help it.

10. Safety precautions
When you are dealing with hepatitis, it is vital to practice good hygiene, especially if you are dealing with types A and E. If you plan on going to a developing country, certain things should be avoided. These things include raw vegetables, ice, or raw or undercooked seafood.