Exercise as a Natural Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Exercise as a Natural Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder in which a man is unable to get or sustain a proper erection. It can occur in adults or adolescents of all ages after puberty. Muscles that play a key role in maintaining a healthy erection sometimes lose their strength. Exercises can help regain this muscle tone, thus acting as a natural treatment for erectile dysfunction. This article lists some of the causes of ED as follows:

  • low levels of physical activity
  • obesity
  • metabolic syndrome
  • cardiovascular disease
  • prostate cancer
  • smoking
  • alcohol abuse
  • stroke

Thus, lifestyle changes pertaining to exercise and weight loss can certainly help in the natural treatment for erectile dysfunction:

1. Exercise with medical treatments
Treating ED with the help of lifestyle changes and exercise are shown to have longer lasting results compared to medication, which can mostly be used for getting temporary relief. Medication can also prove to be ineffective in case some people experience extreme tendencies of ED. Psychological factors like depression and anxiety can be causes of erectile dysfunction. Exercising releases endorphins, also known as “feel-good” hormones, that can be beneficial in such cases and increase one’s confidence. This is what makes exercising crucial when it comes to natural treatment for erectile dysfunction.

2. Exercises that help ED
Exercises that work the muscles and joints of the pelvic floor can be effective in directly treating ED, as pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in maintaining a healthy rate of blood flow to the male genitals, thus helping them sustain erections. Following are the types of exercises that one can do to naturally treat erectile dysfunction:

  • Kegel exercises: Kegels are pelvic floor exercises that have proven to be the most beneficial for treating ED. These exercises strengthen the muscles located at the lowermost part of the pelvis, especially the one known as pubococcygeus, which supports all of the pelvic organs. The weakening of this muscle leads to an inability to sustain blood flow to the penis. Performing pelvic floor exercises daily for 4-6 weeks will strengthen the pubococcygeus sufficiently. They can be done lying down, sitting, or standing.
  • Pilates: The following Pilates exercises strengthen the right muscle groups and enable a person to sustain muscle tone in the pelvic floor throughout the day. Specific pilates moves include: knee fallouts, supine foot raises, and pelvic curls.
  • Other exercises: Aerobic exercises increase overall blood circulation and heart function, thus benefiting people with ED. For natural treatments for erectile dysfunction, aerobic exercise sessions should last for 30-40 minutes and can be done at a moderate to high intensity, as per physical fitness and age. Some of the useful aerobic exercises for ED are: jogging/sprinting, cycling, skipping, rowing, and kick-boxing.

Aerobic exercise is essential for cardiac fitness and steady blood circulation. Since people with heart disease have a higher risk of ED, doing these can help them in preventing it beforehand.

Lifestyle changes can definitely reduce the symptoms of ED and even cure it if it is caused solely due to an unhealthy lifestyle. One must consult a doctor to find out the right diet for any exercise routine, as diet and exercise go hand-in-hand.