Effective Home Remedies for Cough and Cold

Effective Home Remedies for Cough and Cold

Cold and cough are common ailments that are reported to occur among infants and also in adults. Cough plays a major role in clearing infections and irritants from your body, but relentless cough could cause other serious issues. There are several causes for persistent cough, such as infections, allergies, and acid reflux. This ailment can be cured by many clinical medications and treatments, but some have several adverse side effects, which is why many opt for home remedies to soothe cough and cold.

Some of the home remedies for cough and cold that can produce effective outcomes are as follows:

1. Honey tea
This is a popular and widely accepted home remedy for cough and cold around the globe. It is reported that honey can give more relief than clinical medications, without any side effects. You are not supposed to use this remedy for children below one year of age.

2. Ginger
Ginger is helpful in curing both wet and dry cough as it contains anti-swelling properties and is also able to relieve pain in the throat. Mainly, the swelling in the membranes of your airways causes cough, but the anti-swelling properties of ginger can reduce the swelling in the membranes. You just need to use it in an adequate quantity; otherwise, it can cause heartburn and stomach upsets.

3. Fluids
While suffering from cough and cold, your body gets dehydrated, so most physicians advise you to increase your fluid intake to ensure rehydration. But you need to take fluids at room temperature to alleviate the runny nose, cough, and sneezing. It’s best to warm up your beverages, which can give you relief from other symptoms of cold and cough.

4. Gargling with salt water
This is one of the simple yet effective home remedies for cough and cold that is reported to produce effective results in wet cough and swollen throat. It works by reducing the amount of mucus present in the back portion of your throat. Use this remedy two to three times a day to get the best results.

5. Probiotics
Probiotics have no direct link with relieving cough, but they can boost your immune system to fight against the cold. Lactobacillus, a type of bacteria, is known to provide modest benefits in the prevention of normal cold and cough.

6. Bromelain
Pineapple is the richest source of bromelain, which generally helps in removing mucus from your throat. It has anti-swelling properties and mucolytic properties that can break the mucus down and give relief to the throat.

7. Steam
Steam is considered to be a pertinent home remedy for cough and cold, and can be taken along with your medication. Steam, along with essential oils, can help reduce the congestion in your chest due to cold.

If you have a severe cold with some unbearable symptoms like a runny nose, and congestion in your chest, then you must seek help from a physician. Home remedies are effective and side-effect-free, though they cannot give you relief immediately. For effective results, perform these remedies with clinical medication.