Dietary Treatment to Prevent and Relieve Sleep Apnea

Dietary Treatment to Prevent and Relieve Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleeping disorder that causes breathing issues during sleep. In this disorder, a person’s breathing frequently starts and stops. If you feel tired after a full night of sound sleep then you may have sleep apnea. The main types of sleep apnea are central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea. If you notice symptoms like loud snoring, morning headaches, dry mouth, and insomnia, then you should be cautious and change some habits to prevent the disorder.

Some dietary treatment for sleep apnea can give you effective results like clinical treatments. Several factors can also affect and trigger this disorder; some of which are oral hygiene, your diet, and your eating pattern. Thus, a healthy diet has a potentially serious effect on our body functions and can also prevent or cure many diseases without clinical treatments. You might have noticed that some people are more energetic and healthier than you as they follow some dietary restrictions in their diet. Some dietary treatments for sleep apnea which can prevent the risk factors and chance of sleep apnea are as follows:

1. Eating fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables must be mandatory items in your diet as they have many nutritional benefits which can prevent you from many diseases. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and fibers and they are low in calories which can prevent you from sleep apnea and many other diseases. Fibers in fruits and vegetables can help your digestive system. You are advised to cut high calories from your meal and introduce this dietary treatment for sleep apnea to overcome the sleeping disorder.

2. Dairy products with low fat
Dairy products are also helpful in preventing various disorders. Dairy products contain vitamins, calcium, and proteins that help you maintain appropriate body weight and can assist you to control sleep apnea. You must try to consume low-fat dairy products like skimmed milk, raw cheese, and low-fat yogurt as a part of your diet which can eliminate this sleeping disorder.

3. Natural oils
Obesity can trigger your sleeping disorder which can lead you to serious depression and other psychological issues. You can also have nutritional benefits from plant-based oils rather than other oils. The good fat or unsaturated fat from natural oils can be a great substitute for saturated or unhealthy fat. You must use oil from sunflowers, safflowers, and vegetable oils as a medium for your cooking.

4. Grains
Grains are the richest source of fiber which is an essential component for smooth digestion. Whole grains contain more fiber and nutrients than washed or polished grains. Whole grains can make you feel fuller and reduce the cravings of binge eating. Though it is a popular dietary tip, it is widely considered as an effective treatment for sleep apnea.

You must know from the above-stated dietary treatment or implication that excess weight can also trigger sleep apnea, so you must cut high-calorie foods and unhealthy eating habits from your regular diet.