Dietary Tips to Manage Congestive Heart Failure

Dietary Tips to Manage Congestive Heart Failure

Dietary tips are very significant for any disease, but they have a direct link with congestive heart failure. Sometimes they could also work as a preventative method for congestive heart failure or work in conjunction with doctor-prescribed clinical medication and treatments. If you have congestive heart failure, you have to make some specific changes in your diet to avoid unexpected cardiac arrest. Some of the dietary changes to reduce the risk of congestive heart failure are discussed below:

1. Control sodium and salt intake
You might generally use salt as a tastemaker in your regular diet without knowing that it triggers the risk factors associated with CHF. Sodium is an essential mineral for your body, but you have to avoid it when suffering from congestive heart failure. Sodium generally holds additional water in your body, which makes your heart work harder to circulate blood amongst your body parts. Avoiding sodium from your diet can be one of the most effective dietary treatments for congestive heart failure:

  • Eat fresh green vegetables as they have a low amount of sodium than canned vegetables. Try to avoid salt or sodium-dense elements in your cooking. Try adding lemon juice and grape vinegar, which not only enhances the flavor of your food but also works as a replacement for salt.
  • Consuming fresh fruits can be another dietary change that you need to introduce in your regular diet. Fresh fruits have lower sodium content in them than other food groups. Fruits can be a better option for your snacks too, during this cardiac issue.

2. Add spices and herbs
Spices and herbs could be another replacement for salt and sodium, and they also have some components which contribute to your bodily functions. Introducing herbs and spices in your meal can protect you from unexpected cardiac failure.

3. Cut cholesterol and unhealthy fats from your diet
Cutting cholesterol and saturated fats from your regular diet could be one of the effective treatments for congestive heart failure along with other medications. Unhealthy fats and cholesterol can also increase the rate of damage to your heart. So, you must avoid saturated fat-containing foods like processed meat and fast foods, and also try to have fresh animal foods rather than processed or canned ones. Dairy products high in fats and containing unsaturated fats can cause serious cardiac issues. But if you use skimmed or low-fat dairy products, then it can ensure good cardiac health.

4. Reduce consumption of alcohol
Though it is not a diet, some people consume it daily before their meals or after their meals to assure themselves a good sleep. But it could be one of the risk factors that can increase the chances of having cardiac issues, including CHF. The best option is to give up on it; but if not possible, you need to consult your doctor regarding whether you can consume it or not.

The beginning towards having healthy food habits could protect your body against various serious issues, and it also ensures your mental health. You must take a step towards healthy eating at the earliest to overcome other life-threatening diseases.