Common Causes of Low Libido in Women

Common Causes of Low Libido in Women

Sexual satisfaction plays an important role in maintaining the overall mental as well as physical wellbeing of a person. The levels of sexual drive vary between individuals in different stages of life. Therefore, a low sex drive might not necessarily be considered as a problem. However, if this affects a person’s relationship with their partner or causes anxiety or stress in their life, it can be a matter of concern among people. Some of the most common causes of low libido in women are discussed in the following section.

1. Hormonal imbalance
The following hormonal imbalances can affect sex drive in women:

  • Estrogen
    It is the main female hormone, and a reduced level of this hormone can lead to various health issues including lower sex drive. Besides, when it is accompanied by a higher or lower level of testosterone, women can experience mood swings, gain weight or experience bloating, light or heavy periods, dryness in the vagina, etc.
  • Testosterone
    Though it is a male hormone, females also produce a little amount of it in their ovaries or adrenal glands. An imbalance in this hormone’s level can not only cause low libido in women but also various other health issues such as acne, hair loss, anxiety, and infertility.

Hormonal imbalance related to estrogen and testosterone can also occur in women when they enter menopause. Besides, hormonal changes can also occur before or after pregnancy in women. All these factors can be treated as causes of low libido in women.

2. Smoking and alcohol consumption
These habits, when continued for a prolonged time, can decrease sex drive in women. It can eventually cause infertility. Getting rid of these habits will not only have positive effects on libido, but also the overall wellbeing of women.

3. Psychological issues
The various psychological issues that can affect the sexual interest of women are:

  • Abuse
    Any form of abuse, whether emotional, sexual, or physical, can reduce sexual desire in women.
  • Low self-esteem
    It is one of the main causes of low libido in women. Owing to poor body image, women might lack self-confidence. It can affect their emotional state and they might feel insecure about their body, which can further result in low sexual desire.

4. Health disorders
The following physical and mental conditions can affect sex drive in women:

  • Chronic diseases
    Chronic disorders such as pain can affect the overall health of women. Additionally, health conditions such as neurological disorders, hypothyroidism, anemia, etc., can affect the regular life of a woman in a way that she might lose interest in sex.
  • Mental illness
    Anxiety and depression are some of the causes of low libido in women. Besides, if women are consuming any form of antidepressant medication to treat mental conditions, it can also affect the sexual desire in women.
  • Injury
    Any injury that causes harm to blood vessels, nerves, or reproductive organs can affect the sex drive in women. Surgeries such as hysterectomy that involve the removal of reproductive organs, or injuries caused as a result of childbirth, can also reduce sexual desire.

All these above-mentioned factors can contribute to low libido in women. If this situation affects their overall well being, women must consult their physicians.