5 Healthy Foods to Help Treat Osteoporosis

5 Healthy Foods to Help Treat Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that occurs when the body no longer produces bone or produces less bone. There are many factors that lead to its diagnosis. Osteoporosis can be caused by low calcium intake, eating disorders, or menopause. Osteoporosis symptoms to watch for are brittle nails, weakness in grip, stooped posture, or receding gums, however oftentimes there are no symptoms until a bone fracture occurs.

Preventing osteoporosis can be done by avoiding smoking and getting regular exercise such as weight training, hiking, jogging, or dancing. More importantly, maintaining a proper diet is the best way to combat osteoporosis. Calcium, Vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids, among other nutrients, all contribute to healthy bones. Below are several foods that can be included in your diet to promote bone health and help treat osteoporosis:

1. Dark leafy greens
Kale, cabbage, and turnip, or collard, greens are great choices to incorporate into your meal planning. These leafy greens are rich in calcium and also Vitamin K which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. They also contain high levels of iron, fiber, and B vitamins which classify them as powerhouse vegetables. Spinach, however, is one to avoid because it contains oxalates which can aid in making its calcium content unavailable.

2. Sweet potatoes
Magnesium and potassium are two nutrients that can help increase bone density, as well as improve heart health through regulating blood pressure. Both are found in sweet potatoes along with vitamin C and vitamin B6. Baking up this spud and enjoying, without adding salt, is a great way to protect your bones.

3. Grapefruit
Recent studies point to red grapefruit for osteoporosis prevention as it has been found to enhance bone mineral deposits and also help the body absorb calcium. Forget an apple a day and grab a Vitamin C packed grapefruit. Try a navel orange instead if grapefruit does not suit your taste buds, as they are very similar in nutrient content.

4. Figs
Dried or fresh figs are a superb source of calcium. By adding these delicious skeleton-saving fruits to your diet not only will your bones become stronger, but your digestion will become more regular as well. Figs are also high in magnesium and potassium like sweet potatoes, and are a good source of antioxidants like vitamin K.

5. Fatty fish
Salmon, anchovies, and sardines are 3 great choices in increasing your Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids intake. Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to aid in the prevention of osteoporosis by reducing inflammation which can be a trigger for the early onset of osteoporosis. Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids are some nuts and plant oils such as walnuts, almonds, and flaxseed oil.